Where are you calling from?
buy famotidine Caroline Pennell, Team CeeLo: There's a chance Caroline's fans will rally and save her again this week, but there's also a chance CeeLo Green will lose his last team member on Tuesday. Doing Florence the Machine's “Dog Days Are Over” was a gamble worth taking but not one that entirely paid off, at least not for me. Caroline's sweet, lilting voice is no match for the vocal power of Florence Welch. This might not have been glaringly obvious with a completely different arrangement of the song, which was ubiquitous in its heyday, but that didn't happen. Hey, Caroline gave it her best shot. And should she exit on Tuesday, Green gave her a consolation prize of sorts with a statement (a poem?) he wrote about how she's “the only thing that matters to me at this moment” and “if nothing else, you win because you win my heart.”